var cart_ajax_url = '/shop/ajax/cartform'; var delivery_ajax_url = '/shop/ajax/delivery'; $(function() { console.log('%cfunctions.rwd.js called', 'color:green'); var pull = $('.categories.first .current'); var menu = $('.categories.first ul'); var pullMainMenu = $('.menu-toggle'); var MainMenu = $('header nav.main ul'); $(pull).on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if ($('.categories.first ul').css('display') == 'none') { menu.css('display', 'block'); } else { menu.css('display', 'none'); } }); $(pullMainMenu).on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if ($('header nav.main ul').css('display') == 'none') { MainMenu.css('display', 'block'); } else { MainMenu.css('display', 'none'); } }); $('.menu-toggle p.current').text($('header nav.main ul a span').text()); $('.categories.first .current .activecat').html('Select category'); $('#top-menu h3, #top-menu .current, .jumplist.first .current').click(function() { $(this).parent().toggleClass('open'); }); $(".btn-grid").on("click", function(e) { var postData = { op: 'set_grid_option', grid_opt: $(this).attr('data-id') }; $.post(cart_ajax_url, postData, function(response) { console.log(response); if (response.ok) { window.location.reload(); return; } }, "json"); }); $(document).on("submit", ".item-form", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var that = $(this); var data = $(this).serialize() + "&op=add"; var ask_to_proceed = $(this).data("proceed-to-checkout") ? confirm("Proceed to checkout?") : true; var hasError = false; var custom_price = $(this).find('input[name="custom_price"]').val(); var custom_price_type = $(this).find('input[name="custom_price"]').attr('type'); var price_option = $(this).find('[name="price_option"]').val(); var gift_card_del = $(this).find('select[name="gift_card_delivery_method"]').val(); var min_price = parseFloat($(this).find('input[name="min_price"]').val()); var prod_type = $(this).find('input[name="prod_type"]'); var is_upsell = false; if (typeof prod_type != 'undefined' && $(prod_type).val() == 'upsell') { is_upsell = true; hasError = false; if (price_option == '') { $(this).find('.error-msg').html('Please select a price.'); hasError = true; } } else if (custom_price == '' && price_option == '') { var custom_amt_type = $(this).find('input[name="custom_price"]').attr('type'); if (custom_amt_type == 'hidden') { $(this).find('.error-msg').html('Please select a price.'); } else { $(this).find('.error-msg').html('Please select a price or enter a custom amount.'); } var win_width = $(window).width(); if (win_width < 769) { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $(".item-form").offset().top - 100 }, 500); } hasError = true; } else if (price_option == '' && !(custom_price >= min_price && custom_price <= 5000)) { $(this).find('.error-msg').html("Enter a valid amount between " + min_price + " and 5,000"); hasError = true; } else if (typeof price_option == 'undefined' && custom_price_type != 'hidden' && custom_price_type != 'undefined' && !isNaN(min_price) && !(custom_price >= min_price && custom_price <= 5000)) { $(this).find('.error-msg').html("Enter a valid amount between " + min_price + " and 5,000"); hasError = true; } else if (gift_card_del == 'gc') { $(this).find('.error-msg').html("Select delivery method from list"); hasError = true; } if (!hasError) { console.log('Valid form'); data += "&is_upsell=" + is_upsell; $.post(cart_ajax_url, data, function(response) { if (response.ok) { if (is_upsell) { $('.error-msg').html(''); var upd_count = parseInt(response.item_count); var msgHtml = '

✔' + upd_count + ' in your basket
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'0' + date.getMinutes() : date.getMinutes(); yyyy = date.getFullYear(); $dateinput = selectDate(); $('.cal-container #dateselect').datepicker({ firstDay: 1, defaultDate: $dateinput, numberOfMonths: 2, dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd", gotoCurrent: false, beforeShowDay: removeDays, // yearRange: yyyy + ":" + (yyyy + 2), yearRange: (yyyy - 1) + ":" + (yyyy + 2), onSelect: function(value, date) { $('input[name="delivery_date"]').val(value); var sel = value; var tdy = yyyy + '-' + mm + '-' + dd; console.log('Selected: ', sel); console.log('Today: ', tdy); var calToday = false; if (tdy == sel) { console.log('today'); calToday = true; if (typeof hide_sameday_am != 'undefined') { console.log('hide_sameday_am:', hide_sameday_am); $('select[name="delivery_time"] option[value="AM"]').attr('disabled', hide_sameday_am == 1); $('select[name="delivery_time"]').val(''); } } else { console.log('not today'); $('select[name="delivery_time"] option[value="AM"]').attr('disabled', false); } if (typeof mandatory_collect_time != 'undefined' && typeof daywise_opening_times != 'undefined' && daywise_opening_times.length) { var dayOfWeek = new Date(sel).getDay(); console.log('Get mandatory_collect_time for day ' + dayOfWeek); mandatoryCollectionTimeopts(daywise_opening_times, dayOfWeek, calToday, sel); } if (typeof is_dyn_del !== 'undefined' && is_dyn_del == 1) { console.log('Current date', value); $('input[name="delivery_postcode"]').trigger('change'); } }, onChangeMonthYear: function() { setTimeout(function() { hideToday(); }, 0); } }); if ($('.ui-datepicker').is(':visible')) { var tdy_dt = yyyy + '-' + mm + '-' + dd; var del_dt = ''; if ($('input[name="delivery_date"]').length) { del_dt = $('input[name="delivery_date"]').val(); } if ($dateinput != "" && (tdy_dt != del_dt)) { hideToday(); } } } $('#stockmessage a').click(function() { $(this).parent().find('input').click(); return false; }); $(".jump_menu").change(function() { var url = $(this).val(); if (url != 'menu') window.location = $(this).val(); }); var w = $(window).width(); if (w < 767) { $(".products .description").each(function() { var parent = $(this).parent(); $(this).detach().appendTo(parent); }); } $(window).resize(function() { var w = $(window).width(); if (w >= 1024 &&':hidden')) {; } if (w >= 1024 &&':hidden')) {; } if (w < 767) { $(".products .description").each(function() { var parent = $(this).parent(); $(this).detach().appendTo(parent); }); } else { $(".products .description").each(function() { $(this).insertBefore($(this).siblings('form')); }); } }); $('.view-deliver-to-areas').off('click').on('click', function() { if (company_delivery_info) { var customModal = new CustomModal($('#deliveryAreasModal'));; } return false; }); $('#show_shop_opening_times').off('click').on('click', function() { if (shop_opening_times) { var customModal = new CustomModal($('#collectShopOpeningModal'));; } return false; }); $(document).on("change", ".price_option, .item_choice", function() { var source = $(this).attr('class'); var container = $(this).closest(".product-item"); var slider = container.find(".product-img"); var image_options ="options"); changeSlide(container, slider, image_options, $(this).val()); }); function changeSlide(container, slider, image_options, select_input) { var overlap = []; var product_id ='product-id'); var imgOptsWithAllColour = []; var imgOptsWithAllPrice = []; console.log('Image options:', image_options); var currentItemChoice = container.find('select.item_choice').val(); if (typeof select_input != 'undefined') { currentItemChoice = select_input; } var globalPriceVal = container.find(".price_option option:selected").index(); globalPriceVal = parseInt(globalPriceVal); console.log('GLOBAL price val:', globalPriceVal); if (image_options) { imgOptsWithAllColour = image_options.filter(function(v) { return (v.options.length == 0); }); imgOptsWithAllPrice = image_options.filter(function(v) { return (v.price_id == 0); }); } console.log('Img opts with all colour', imgOptsWithAllColour); console.log('Img opts with all price', imgOptsWithAllPrice); if (image_options) { if (imgOptsWithAllColour.length == image_options.length) { currentItemChoice = ''; } var isPriceAll = false; if (imgOptsWithAllPrice.length == image_options.length) { isPriceAll = true; } for (var img_num in image_options) { overlap[img_num] = 0; var options = image_options[img_num]; if (!options) continue; if (!options['price_id'] && $.isEmptyObject(options['options'])) continue; if (!currentItemChoice && options['price_id'] && options['price_id'] == globalPriceVal) { overlap[img_num] += 1; continue; } if ($.isEmptyObject(options['options'])) { overlap[img_num] = -1; } else { var opt_val = currentItemChoice; console.log('Options:', options['options']); console.log('Global price val:', globalPriceVal); console.log('Opt val:', opt_val); for (var opt_id in options['options']) { var choice_id = options['options'][opt_id]; if (isPriceAll) { overlap[img_num] = (choice_id == opt_val) ? 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} if (!!available_exp_times && available_exp_times.hasOwnProperty(selDate)) { if (isToday) { slots = available_exp_times[selDate].same_day_times; } else { slots = available_exp_times[selDate].times; } } if (slots.length == 0) { console.log('no slot found, use most common one'); var loop = 1; while (loop) { var sel_timeslots = daywise_opening_times.find(function(day_open) { if (day_open.weekday == (dayOfWeek + loop)) { return true; } }); console.log('sel_timeslots', sel_timeslots); if (!sel_timeslots) { loop = 0; break; } if (sel_timeslots.hasOwnProperty('times') && sel_timeslots.times.length) { slots = sel_timeslots.times; loop = 0; break; } else { loop++; } } } console.log('Final slots:', slots); $('select[name="delivery_time"]').find('option').not(':first').remove(); if (!!slots) { slots.forEach(function(slot) { var selc = ''; if (typeof cart_del_time !== 'undefined' && cart_del_time == slot) { selc = 'selected'; } $('select[name="delivery_time"]').append(''); }); } } } function hideToday() { $('.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-today .ui-state-highlight').removeClass('ui-state-highlight'); $('.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-today .ui-state-active').removeClass('ui-state-active'); $('.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-today').removeClass('ui-datepicker-current-day'); $('.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-today').removeClass('ui-datepicker-today'); } function selectDate() { $daterequired = $('input[name="delivery_date"]').val(); if ($daterequired != "") { $datesplit = $daterequired.split("-"); $dateday = $datesplit[2]; $datemonth = $datesplit[1]; $dateyear = $datesplit[0]; return new Date($dateyear,$datemonth - 1,$dateday,0,0,0); } } function removeDays(calendardate) { if (calendardate < todaysdate) return [false]; if ((calendardate.toDateString() == today_str) && delivery_today == false) return [false]; var caldate = calendardate.getDate(); var calmon = calendardate.getMonth(); var calyear = calendardate.getFullYear(); var result = true; var changed = false; for (var i = 0; i < excluded_dates.length; i++) { var exdate = excluded_dates[i]; if (exdate[2] && exdate[3]) { if (caldate == exdate[0] && calmon == exdate[1] && (calyear == exdate[2] || exdate[2] == 1971)) { if (exdate[3] == 'closed') { result = result && false; } else { result = result || true; } changed = true; } } else { if (caldate == exdate[0] && calmon == exdate[1]) return [false]; } } if (changed) return [result]; if (available_days != '') { var daysopen = available_days.split(","); daynum = calendardate.getDay(); for (var i = 0; i < daysopen.length; i++) { if (daysopen[i] == daynum) return [true]; } } return [false]; } function removeDaysDeliverySchedule(calendardate) { if (calendardate < todaysdate) return [false, 'past-date']; var today_cls = ''; if ((calendardate.toDateString() == today_str)) { today_cls = 'calendar-today-date'; } var caldate = calendardate.getDate(); var calmon = calendardate.getMonth(); var calyear = calendardate.getFullYear(); var result = true; var changed = false; var calm = parseInt(calendardate.getMonth()) + 1 , cald = calendardate.getDate() , caly = calendardate.getFullYear(); if (cald < 10) cald = '0' + cald.toString(); if (calm < 10) calm = '0' + calm.toString(); var calMDY = calm + '/' + cald + '/' + caly; console.log('Cal date', calMDY); if (closedDates.indexOf(calMDY) != -1) { console.log('Closed date', calMDY); return [true, 'calendar-closed-date ' + today_cls, 'Not available']; } if (openDates.indexOf(calMDY) != -1) { return [true, 'calendar-open-date ' + today_cls, 'Available']; } if (excluded_dates.indexOf(calMDY) != -1) { return [true, 'calendar-closed-date ' + today_cls, 'Not available']; } if (available_days != '') { var daysopen = available_days.split(","); daynum = calendardate.getDay(); for (var i = 0; i < daysopen.length; i++) { if (daysopen[i] == daynum) { return [true, 'calendar-selectable-date ' + today_cls, 'Available']; } } } return [true, 'calendar-closed-date ' + today_cls, 'Not available']; } function removeDaysDetailsDelivery(calendardate) { if (calendardate < todaysdate) return [false, 'past-date']; var today_cls = ''; if ((calendardate.toDateString() == today_str)) { today_cls = 'calendar-today-date'; } var caldate = calendardate.getDate(); var calmon = calendardate.getMonth(); var calyear = calendardate.getFullYear(); var result = true; var changed = false; var calm = parseInt(calendardate.getMonth()) + 1 , cald = calendardate.getDate() , caly = calendardate.getFullYear(); if (cald < 10) cald = '0' + cald.toString(); if (calm < 10) calm = '0' + calm.toString(); var calMDY = calm + '/' + cald + '/' + calyear; console.log('Cal date', calMDY); if (closedDatesDelivery.indexOf(calMDY) != -1) { console.log('Closed delivery date', calMDY); return [true, 'calendar-closed-date ' + today_cls, 'Not available']; } if (openDatesDelivery.indexOf(calMDY) != -1) { return [true, 'calendar-open-date ' + today_cls, 'Available']; } if (available_delivery_days != '') { var daysopen = available_delivery_days.split(","); daynum = calendardate.getDay(); for (var i = 0; i < daysopen.length; i++) { if (daysopen[i] == daynum) { return [true, 'calendar-selectable-date ' + today_cls, 'Available']; } } } return [true, 'calendar-closed-date ' + today_cls, 'Not available']; } function removeDaysDetailsCollection(calendardate) { if (calendardate < todaysdate) return [false, 'past-date']; var today_cls = ''; if ((calendardate.toDateString() == today_str)) { today_cls = 'calendar-today-date'; } var caldate = calendardate.getDate(); var calmon = calendardate.getMonth(); var calyear = calendardate.getFullYear(); var result = true; var changed = false; var calm = parseInt(calendardate.getMonth()) + 1 , cald = calendardate.getDate() , caly = calendardate.getFullYear(); if (cald < 10) cald = '0' + cald.toString(); if (calm < 10) calm = '0' + calm.toString(); var calMDY = calm + '/' + cald + '/' + calyear; console.log('Cal date', calMDY); if (closedDatesCollection.indexOf(calMDY) != -1) { return [true, 'calendar-closed-date ' + today_cls, 'Not available']; } if (openDatesCollection.indexOf(calMDY) != -1) { return [true, 'calendar-open-date ' + today_cls, 'Available']; } if (available_collect_days != '') { var daysopen = available_collect_days.split(","); daynum = calendardate.getDay(); for (var i = 0; i < daysopen.length; i++) { if (daysopen[i] == daynum) { return [true, 'calendar-selectable-date ' + today_cls, 'Available']; 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} else { return false; } }, function(reject) { console.log('Confirm reject:', reject); }); return false; }